Di Rump
Di (Te Uri o Ngai Tara ki Mua Ūpoko o Te Ika me Ngati Raukawa ) commutes to her hometown of Taitoko (Levin) to undertake the role of Chief Executive at Muaūpoko Tribal Authority, after having a corporate career in banking and finance with some SOE time in the mix. A Leadership NZ and Harvard Leadership Programme alumni, Di believes she’s exceptionally lucky that being Māori and working for her iwi in a kaupapa Māori environment automatically sets her up to be in a mindful leadership kaupapa. ”I believe strongly in social justice and servant leadership. Always have. To be an authentic leader requires being open to possibility no matter the challenges and barriers – and always putting people first. I hold dear the whakatauki, He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.”
On top of her job, Di serves on a number of Alliance, governance and community forums.