Feedback on the Future for Local Government
There has been a lot of discussion on the future of local government in Aotearoa. Inspiring Communities shares our draft submission to the most recent report
Late last year, the Local Government Review panel released their draft report, He mata whāriki, he matawhanui, which outlines the need for a local governance system in Aotearoa that is community-focussed and citizen-centred, based on strong relationships and partnerships with iwi Māori. The report encourages further discussion on a range of topics and invites submissions to shape the final report and recommendations back to Government.
We know that effective, engaged and enabling local Councils play a key role in effective community-led change. Inspiring Communities’ Megan Courtney, has prepared this DRAFT Inspiring Communities Feedback on the Local Government Review Panel Draft Report Feb 2023. We welcome you to read, share ideas and encourage you to also submit through this process. Submissions on the Draft Report close on 28 February 2023.
Our June Locally-led Matters webinar had a special focus on ideas for growing collaborative local leadership, watch here.