The use of images to communicate
PhotoVoice - the approach of initiating conversation and connection through the sharing and discussion of images, which are taken by community members and facilitators to foster discussion.
PhotoVoice is a process that was developed in 1995 by Caroline Wang to gather information from women living in rural China. It’s an opportunity for community members who aren’t often heard, or find it hard to communicate, to talk about things that are important to them.

An opportunity for community members who aren’t often heard, or find it hard to communicate, to talk about things that are important to them.
VOICE stands for Voicing Our Individual and Collective Experiences.
Each PhotoVoice project is different, and how it’s facilitated will depend on who you’re planning to connect with, what you’re trying to achieve, and how many people will be in attendance. It will also depend on the individualities of participants and the community itself.
Learn more and visit the PhotoVoice website for more information.