Te Reo resources
Explore our Te reo resources to support you in the use of karakia, waiata and whakatauki.
Te Reo Resources
Here are some useful resources, created for us, that we’d like to share with you. There are PDFs with karakia, waiata and whakatauki you can use. There are also accompanying sound files for these. Please feel free to use and share them.
We’ve also listed some websites and apps we think are great for learning Te Reo.
Downloadable PDFs
Sound files
1. Mauri oho – Karakia timatanga
2. Whiti ora – Karakia timatanga
3. Whakataka te Hau – Karakia timatanga
4. Tukua te wairua kia rere – Karakia timatanga
5. Kia tau ngā manaakitanga – Karakia timatanga or whakamutunga
6. Unuhia – Karakia whakamutunga
7. Kia tau – Karakia whakamutunga
8. Whakapaingia ēnei kai – Karakia mō te kai
9. Kua horahia te kai – Karakia mō te kai
10. Nau mai e ngā hua – Karakia mō te kai
Celebrating leadership
1. He kotuku rerenga tahi
Celebrating hard work
1. He rā whatiwhati kō
2. Tē tōia, tē haumatia
3. He Manawa tītī
4. Mauri tū, mauri ora
5. Kua hua te marama
How to add a Māori keyboard
See how to add a Māori keyboard and integrate it into Word with English here.
Useful websites and apps
With the Kupu app, users simply take a picture. Kupu then uses image recognition to identify what the object is in the picture and provide Te Reo Māori translations for the object(s). Fun and easy to use!
Download here for iPhone users and here for Android users.
Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. It tells people who you are by sharing your connections with the people and places that are important to you. Once you have completed your Pepeha you can save it to your device, have it printed for display or as a taonga for yourself or a loved one.