3.4 OAP Unsworth Heights 2013 Playcentre Ephemeral MandalasOur Amazing Place Community Treasure Hunts involve local residents of all ages following a trail through their community. They stop at a number of stations where a fun challenge, activity or task is completed and traded for a stamp for their ‘passport’. It’s all about having fun, connecting with others and discovering local treasure – special people, landscapes, resources, projects, facilities, groups, and services.
Community treasure hunts really are an amazing community building tool – ask Mt Victoria, Caversham, Albany, and Victory who have all run events in the last year.

Violence Free Waitakere has a great set of Treasure Hunt resources and a learning network in place that can support you to run your own treasure hunt.

If you’d like to know more or want some help to organise a Community Treasure Hunt in your community; please contact Robyn Brady at oap@violencefreewaitakere.org.   ​

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