Our way of working – Ā mātou tikanga whakahaere
Our organisational ‘how to’ is guided by the following principles and practices.
Our engagement with Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket we will sustain the people
Inspiring Communities acknowledges Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the foundational document upon which Aotearoa New Zealand was established. Hapū Māori did not cede sovereignty when they signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Inspiring Communities recognises and affirms tino rangatiratanga of whānau, hapū and iwi Māori over their lands, resources, and taonga.
Applying a Tiriti lens
We understand the commitments made in Te Tiriti o Waitangi as being critical to the context of CLD in Aotearoa. Therefore, we apply a Tiriti lens to our CLD work. The following questions guide us in this:
- What does the concept/initiative/project look like using a Tiriti lens?
- Who is shaping this work and what perspectives does it reflect?
- How is this work grounded in an understanding of tāngata whenua relationships to place?
- How does this work affirm and support te tino rangatiratanga?
Here is a tool for working with Tangata Whenua.
Here are some useful Te Reo resources.
Our way of working
Everything is connected
CLD principles underpin everything we do.
Ka arahina ngā tikanga whakawhanake ā-hapori i ō tātou mahi katoa.
We are committed to a Tiriti honouring Aotearoa. As a small tāngata Tiriti organisation, our te Tiriti o Waitangi commitment is reflected conceptually, structurally and practically in what we do.
Ka whai tātou i te ara e whakahōnoretia te Tiriti. Kua whakaata tēnei takohanga ā-whakaaro, ā-whakatakotoranga, ā-tinana i ō tātou mahi katoa.
We build capacity, skills and knowledge to support both the national CLD movement and achievement of local aspirations.
Ka whakapikitia e mātou te raukaha, ngā pūkenga, me te mātauranga kia tautoko i te whakawhanake ā-hapori ki Aoteroa, ki te tutuki hoki i ngā whainga o te hapori.
We work ‘with’ others, not on our own. We model active listening, collaboration and building trusting, respectful relationships.
Ka mahi takitini, tē mahi takitahi. Ka whakatinanahia e mātou i ngā tikanga o te āta whakarongo, te mahi tahi, me te whai i ngā whanaungatanga mā runga i te whakawhirinaki me te whakaute.
We’re responsive, adaptive, enterprising and committed to reflecting and learning from all we do.
Ka whai whakaaro, ka whai urutau, ka whai rawa tātou. Ka piri tātou ki te tikanga o te whakaaroaro, me te ako i ō tātou mahi katoa.
We’re prepared to take risks and creatively model innovative responses to complex challenges and opportunities ahead.
Ka āhei tātou ki te whakawhara, ka auaha tō tātou tukanga ki ngā wero matatini me ngā huarahi whai hua.
Ka mahi tiritiri tātou. Ka whakamahia ō mātou tūhononga me tō matou mātauranga mō te hua o te rerenga whakawhanake ā-hapori kia whakatinanahia tika ai.
We share what we know, using our connections, networks and knowledge for greater gain of the CLD movement and effective CLD practice.
Ka mahi tiritiri tātou.
Ka whakamahia ō mātou tūhononga me tō matou mātauranga mō te hua o te rerenga whakawhanake ā-hapori kia whakatinanahia tika ai.