Exciting Leadership Updates – July 2024

As Te Mātahi o te Tau (the Māori New Year) dawns, we welcome our new Directors for both Inspiring Communities and Powerdigm. This marks an exciting new chapter, we look forward to their combined expertise and commitment in strengthening our mission. At the same time, we share our heartfelt thanks to the team members who have dedicated themselves to the kaupapa of CLD. Although they are stepping back from leadership roles, their contributions continue to enrich the wider landscape of CLD.

Read on for our latest news and opportunities to learn and connect! 

Looking ahead to Matariki and beyond

As we prepare to welcome Matariki and Te Mātahi o te Tau (the Māori New Year) we’ve been taking time to celebrate how far Inspiring Communities has come and to plan for a very exciting year ahead.

As we close out the current year, we are thrilled to announce the appointment of three new Board members. With the arrival of Te Mātahi o te Tau, we look forward to welcoming our new Directors for both Inspiring Communities and Powerdigm, who we will be introducing next week. 

One of the most fulfilling aspects of our mahi has been connecting with the amazing people and places doing such great work. Read on for our latest updates, inspiring CLD stories as well as networking and training opportunities. 

Celebrating community-led development champions – May 2024

As we step into the vibrant months ahead, the team are making great strides for CLD and systems change, enabling communities to lead the way in improving their own hauora. 

Read on for our exciting recruitment updates, inspiring CLD mahi as well as networking and training opportunities. But first, join us in honouring the legacy of a dearly loved CLD superstar who inspired our mahi and enriched the wellbeing of many communities in Aotearoa.

Embracing Change – April 2024

Change is a catalyst for progress and as we move through our strategic refresh, we recognise the importance of evolving alongside the dynamic needs of our communities. We are excited to share our renewed mission, vision and CLD definition with you, placing communities at the helm, driving the change that enhances their own hauora (wellbeing). 

Read on as we share two blogs from our Board and team, the first highlighting our journey to this point and the second an insight into the current landscape of community-led development in Aotearoa.

Building a platform for successful CLD in Aotearoa – March 2024

Building a platform for successful CLD in Aotearoa
As we usher in Autumn, we’re thrilled to share a fantastic line-up of CLD opportunities for those championing community-driven change at grassroots and system level, as well as the intersections between. From free online skill-building and inspiring kōrero to engaging thought leadership and professional development – this month, there’s something for everyone.

Read on, stay tuned, and share with your colleagues and networks!

Ngā mihi o Te Tau Hau Pākeha – Child Rich Communities Feb 2024

Hoping you’ve all had a long summer break and are returning refreshed. 

Refreshed is exactly where we are at in Child Rich Communities this 2024, with work taking place on a new action plan informed by the last two years of events and activity. With so much change in the child youth wellbeing space over that time, we remain committed to walking alongside local communities, capturing their stories of positive change, and sharing our CLD knowledge. We hope to see increased validation and investment in the potential of community-led initiatives for whānau and wider community wellbeing, and social service provision. More on our refresh plan coming up in our next pānui. 

Join us! Collaborating and connecting for CLD in 2024

Enabling the conditions for CLD!
Every few years Inspiring Communities embarks on a strategic refresh journey, evolving and refining what community-led development (CLD) is within the unique context of Aotearoa, our role and purpose within that, and how we can be more active and intentional in upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

We’re excited to share our renewed focus on enabling the conditions for CLD, so all communities are at the heart of the decisions and actions that drive positive change within their own areas. We’re mapping out what this looks like and will update you as each step takes shape! In the meantime, join us for our upcoming opportunities to learn and connect.

Meri kirihimete! Dec 2023

In this final pānui for 2023 we celebrate some of the incredible communities who have been paving the way for CLD this year. And before we close our laptop lids and go dashing out into the sun, we want to say a huge thank you to YOU, for your continued interest in, and commitment to all things community-led. We look forward to more together in 2024! 

Meri kirihimete, happy holidays whānau!

Oct/Nov 2023 – Supporting and growing CLD

As we near the end of the year, we are starting to plan for a new year ahead. Steering the direction of our waka into 2024 and the opportunities and actions we may take to support and grow community-led development.

With one foot still strongly in 2023, we are not quite ready to sign off yet! Check out some last chances to share, connect and learn below.

Welcome Kōanga/Spring 2023

This month we welcome Kōanga/Spring, a wonderful time to connect with others in your community! In this pānui we celebrate some of the people and places around the motu that are doing just that, uniting for their shared vision.

These inspiring journeys give us some great examples of ako (learning), tautoko (supporting), tuhono (connecting) and whakaaweawe (influencing), which we can add to our own practices to help our communities flourish.

Read on to find out more!