Shaping the Future.
This report documents the insights, implications, and recommendations drawn from the nearly 70 interviews Inspiring Communities undertook in May and June 2020 - post COVID-19 Lockdown.
The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary challenge that has required extraordinary solutions. Harvesting and documenting the extraordinary, to distill what we now know possible, lies at the heart of this report.
Report Summary
Thanks to COVID, we have a new reference point for what can be achieved when we all work together – in our communities and as a nation. One of the major lessons from COVID is just how much place matters. We all live in a place and every place has unique strengths, assets, contexts and wisdom. When we build on these, transformative change becomes possible. Understanding and activating all the resources in our places is key to enhancing social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing.
Shaping the Future is rooted in the experiences, insight and wisdom generously offered by those we interviewed. It also draws on the knowledge and understanding that sits within the Inspiring Communities team. Our expertise comes from many years of working with and alongside communities, and in navigating all layers of the system.
We offer this report as one of the many feathers needed for all places and people in Aotearoa to fly.
Launched by Webinar
During this rich interactive kōrero, we presented our newly released report, Shaping the Future.