10 Tips To Build Resilient Communities

Start Local. Let it Happen, Make it work was a very successful one day seminar held in Wellington in June 2016.

In what was an oversubscribed event, 160 people from government, local government, academia, business and communities gathered to increase their understanding and confidence in using a locally-led approach. Presenters from the Community, local and central Government shared their perspectives and explored ways to support locals to drive change in their communities that lead to sustainable, effective outcomes.

We’ve written an extensive, practical report highlighting the very best from the day. We’ve also condensed the discussion and knowledge from the day into some top tips.

Neighbourhood Strengthening Ideas

In 2016, Jim Diers visited Aotearoa and toured with the Inspiring Communities team nationwide to share his own thought leadership and learnings amongst our own communities.

Inspiring Communities’ Practice Lead Megan Courtney captured these ideas around strengthening neighbourhoods and distilled these into a one-page summary and resource.

Click here for more information about Jim and his work.

Practical Steps to Growing a Community Vision

Building a community vision takes time and it’s something that just keeps growing. It will be renewed, refreshed and re-inspired over time, as issues and opportunities are addressed and new dreams grow.

1. Design a few powerful questions for getting community conversations started

Powerful questions: How to get community conversations started

How to craft powerful questions

2. Reach out to lots of different people in fun creative ways

All communities are different, so community engagement approaches need to be tailored for each context and culture – the why and the who strongly influences your how. Your why should determine both who you are engaging with and what/how things are set up.  

Take a look at these ideas for community engagement.

3. Make the most of community conversation feedback

Learn how to make the most of your community feedback. Even though your community conversations might be informal, people want to know something is going to happen as a result. This resource will provide you with a systematic approach to determine whether the essential conditions for change are present and how to support and enhance those conditions for the better.

4. Run a community gathering

Once you have some initial feedback from community conversations it’s likely time to plan a community party or gathering to further shape your vision and grow wider connections. Check out our tips of organising a community planning hui .

Or on a smaller scale, getting together with your neighbours is one of the many things you might do to help build a sense of community in your street. Check out our Tips for organising a street BBQ.

See Our Reach Out resource for more ideas.