The power of place-based collaboration
In this webinar we will look at the drivers of success and wider trends happening in place-based change here in Aotearoa and across the globe.
Wednesday 19th October – Online Webinar
Tino rangatiratanga means hapū and iwi take a leading role. There are other emerging key ingredients that are enabling collaborative system stewardship and transformation at both local and national levels. We know that when those tasked with making change draw on the assets and strengths already in local places, including strong leadership, trusted relationships and diverse connections, the responses are incredibly successful. United by a common purpose, local places can organise solutions that enable an effective whole of systems response.
There’s growing respect for – and confidence within – local communities, hapū and iwi, who’ve shown how effectively they partner in social, environmental, and economic change. Embedding these ways of working into ‘business as usual’ will result in more effective responses to ongoing challenges.
In this webinar, we looked back to look forwards. By discussing how Māori customary tikanga and privilege can be recognised and not confined to the marae or alienated from the activities of everyday life and the highly relevant lessons learned over the past two years and articulated in Shaping the Future.
We explored some of the what – but more importantly how – to shift from the rhetoric of engaging with communities and Māori to applying an indigenous lens and community-led focus. Hosted by Christina Howard, and featuring Megan Courtney from Inspiring Communities, Anna Powell from Collaboration for Impact and Victor Walker, Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti, the discussion focuses on insights and tools here in Aotearoa and further afield to the learning and mahi in Australia and beyond.