Neighbourhood development – no one size fits all Story
During 2010-2011 with a sound foundation, community mandate and an experienced and respected worker in place, the Massey Ranui neighbourhood-led approach unfolded in a multitude of ways – many unexpected…. Read more
Building Neighbourhood Connections in Arch Hill Story
How the Arch Hill newsletter changed the community.
Rakiura Community Expo Story
At a September 2011 ‘Snack and Yak’ gathering of community groups in Stewart Island, Rakiura, the idea of holding a community expo was proposed as a way for local groups… Read more
Victory Village Forum, Nelson Story
A community that used to be characterised by high levels of crime, high numbers of families moving away, low school achievement and low access to health care has transformed itself within a decade.
Massey and how local government helped ‘make it matter’ Story
Local Councils are often part of community-led development initiatives but it is still uncommon to find a Council that has committed to a ten year period of support for a… Read more