Inspiring Communities Newsletter #43 – November 2014
News items including; The Z Nail Gang; Neighbourly; Finding hidden treasures in Nelson and Inspiring Communities Plans.
Finding hidden treasure in Nelson Story
When Nelson resident Marcia Griggs heard about the idea of a community treasure hunt at an Inspiring Communities training workshop she got excited and thought, ‘ I could do that!’
The Z Nail Gang – A film about Community. Story
The Z-Nail gangA film about community, made by community. The feature film “The Z-Nail Gang” which was inspired by a community in the Coromandel that came together to fight for… Read more
Inspiring Communities Newsletter #42 October 2014
The role of local communities in co-creating positive wellbeing is a powerful global trend. IBM has predicted that in five years, “local will beat online,” Forbes Magazine reported that the… Read more
Inspiring Communities Newsletter #41 July 2014
With the mid-winter Matariki stars now above us, many Kiwi communities are coming together to celebrate and plan for the year ahead. “Strengthening Neighbourhoods” is a key focus for Inspiring Communities… Read more
Auckland IC Newsletter July 2014
This Carl Sandburgh quote, painted by Peter Tunney in 2005, is the inspiration for this newsletter. Winteris a great time for reflecting on what’s working well and thinking about where… Read more
Auckland May 2014 Auckland Newsletter
We have had a really enjoyable start to the year with some fantastic locally-grown events such as the Crowd-Grown Feast, Weed-dating, Neighbours Day and many more. It seems that the city… Read more
March 2014 Auckland Newsletter
Already there is a huge amount going with regard to locally led change and it is really fascinating tosee just how much working in this way is about different strokes… Read more
Inspiring Communities Newsletter 38 – September 2013
As we focus on our country’s determined participation in the America’s Cup, it’s wellworth reflecting on what enables our tiny nation to excel on the world stage.
Inspiring Communities Newsletter 37 – July 2013
Over time, our national participation rates in elections are declining, with under 50% of eligible citizensbothering to exercise this most basic right of citizenship in the 2010 local body elections.