Reducing child poverty and improving child wellbeing. Resource

Weaving our Strengths Report – insights captured during a one day hui aimed at reducing child poverty and improving child wellbeing. Managed and curated by Inspiring Communities, the J R McKenzie Trust and the Office of the Children’s Commissioner invited the sector to contribute.

How do we grow a movement for child wellbeing? Resource

Lisa Woods, Inspiring Communities Child Rich Communities (CRC) Lead, talks about the CRC Project and what needs to be done to secure better child wellbeing in Aotearoa.

Child-Rich Communities Webinars Resource

In 2018, Inspiring Communities ran the Child Rich Communities (CRC) webinar series! Through three webinars we explored key practice principles that mobilise the community and improve child and family well-being.

Child Rich Communities Principles Resource

Engagement, empowerment, connection and collaboration are just a few of the guiding principles that underpin Child Rich Communities. Download this resource to engage with all of the Inspiring Communities CRC Principles.

Social Justice is Not as Easy as ABC Resource

Jim Diers, renowned community-action collaborator believes that it’s not enough to be community-driven: we need to ensure that those who are less privileged are in the lead.

Economic and Social Policy and CLD Resource

Read what Donna Provoost – Chair of Inspiring Communities – says about the benefits of taking a community-led approach to economic and social policy.

Advice to Ministers Resource

We outline what is required and how it can be achieved in our briefing to the incoming Ministers of 2017.

I’ve been thinking … about Building Connections Resource

Megan talks about the importance of creating connections and building local relationships.

I’ve been thinking… about Sustaining Momentum Resource

Barbara talks about why other community-led initiatives endure and keep transforming over time, and how important this culture of leadership is.

I’ve been thinking… about Sustaining a CSO Resource

Kindra talks about how to sustain a Civil Service Organisation.