Webinar: Stories of Change and Success – Shifting towards thriving communities
Christina Howard will host our next Co-matters webinar talking with government officials and an iwi representative about the opportunities they co-created for greater impact and better relationships with communities.
Date: 11 August 2021: 10am – 11am
MBIE’s Paul Jones, Di Rump Te Uri o Ngai Tara ki Mua Ūpoko o Te Ika me Ngati Raukawa, Dan Neely and Nicki Loodin from the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO) will share experiences of moving from doing to to doing with communities.
Five years ago, Paul asked for, and MBIE supported a secondment to a central north island iwi organisation, where he continues to work part-time. Dan and Nicki have turned a rigid emergency management process into 128 more structured community developed hubs. Di is working in a number of different ways with a number of Government agencies. She trials initiatives, has people on secondment, shares what works and what needs to change on issues as diverse as rangatahi support to highway development – all so her iwi can build a stronger economic, social and cultural base for the Muaūpoko people.
Together they’ll explore how engaging and working with people and communities in different and meaningful ways can require a new approach; they’ll talk about what they’re learning along the way, their observations of the change that happens when you apply innovative responses, and they’ll discuss the relevance of the six shifts Inspiring Communities developed in last year’s Shaping the Future report and how you can put these into practice:
Decentralise – devolve funding and power to local hapū and communities.
Recognise and respect difference – using a variety of responses to serve and support diversity – one size does not fit all.
Value people and relationships – build social infrastructure through brokering and weaving.
Embed collaboration – looking for opportunities to work with others, share risks and encourage innovation and learning.
Build local economic resilience – supporting process and capacity building that connects and integrates social and economic capacity.
Tolerate more risk – mandating innovation and learning as well as flexible funding that allows for change and adaption.
Join us online for this conversation of change:
10am – 11am August 11th, 2021